Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Nobody makes me bleed my own blood

Halloween's in three days. It's 60 degrees F or so. There are MOSQUITOES in Carlyle. Things make more and more sense these days.

We've come so far in science. Basically the only thing we can't do is bring the dead back to life (although cryonics is still going on, in a heated race with the Satanic cultists). And yet we are still fighting a battle against bedbugs - a somewhat losing battle, as they gobbled up an Abercrombie & Fitch back in July and have been raping movie theaters left and right (so hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo husband).

Bed bugs are tough as shit. They're great at hiding. Usually. They operate very well in large, coordinated groups. Apparently they can go MONTHS without eating. And they're getting more resistant to all the toxins we throw at them. Pretty soon, fire and Chuck Norris will be the only workable solutions. Seriously, the Army needs to start researching these fuckers.

But in a weird and very uncomfortable way, they've taught us some humility. Because people are NOT at the top of the food chain. In fact it should be a ring. Or some kind of polygon. But what's going to fuck us up on apocalypse day? Assuming we don't do it to ourselves - also likely - it will probably go to something way smaller. A virus, perhaps, or some kind of bacteria. Maybe some disgruntled trench coat-wearing death metal-loving euglenae will do us in. Man, would that suck =/

*** Oh, but if you have mosquitoes, spraying a mix of alcohol, mouthwash and epsom salt (huhh?) around the area is supposed to keep them away.

A similar tactic is advised for Jehovah's witnesses.

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